Prescription Drug Injuries

Nearly 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription medication; more than 50 percent take a least two, according to a 2013 study conducted at the Mayo Clinic.

DSC08554-bBecause of the ever-increasing demand for prescription drugs, side effects and health risks are often overlooked as drug companies push to get new pharmaceuticals through the FDA approval process. Defective drugs may cause more harm than good. A number of frequently prescribed medications have later been shown to cause serious—and sometimes fatal—side effects.

When a prescription drug causes serious problems, a personal injury attorney can file an action against the drug manufacturer. If a large number of people have been harmed by the same drug, a class action lawsuit may be filed to win compensation for those who suffered from organ damage, pain, heart attacks, or other adverse consequences from a drug that was prescribed to help them. Design defects, manufacturing defects, and marketing defects are the most common reasons drug manufacturers go to court.

Yasmin, Prempro, Avandia, and Vioxx are examples of recent prescription drug cases that were widely prescribed and caused side effects ranging from blood clots to heart attacks and strokes. These drugs were used for birth control, menopause, diabetes, and pain control, respectively—all of which commonly involve prescription drugs.

If you or a loved one is taking a prescription drug and suffering from symptoms or adverse effects, it is important to talk to your doctor. If you have suffered from an injury due to a prescription drug, call the lawyers at Schuerman Law to learn how to get the justice and compensation you deserve. Call 1-800-274-0045 to schedule your free consultation today.