Business and Home Owners: What Are Your Responsibilities in Winter Weather?

Winter weather brings slick conditions such as ice, sleet, and snow. These conditions create an increased risk for slip and fall accidents, which often occur in parking lots or on sidewalks.

As a property owner, you have a duty to exercise reasonable care in maintaining outdoor areas by promptly removing snow and ice to reduce the risk of falls. However, members of the public have a duty to use reasonable care when walking in an area that they know or should expect to be affected by ice/snow.

Premises liability means that property owners are responsible for keeping the property safe. If someone falls because your walkway wasn’t shoveled and salted, you may be responsible for covering that person’s injuries. Business owners often hire snow removal companies to keep parking lots and sidewalks clear for customers.

Every area has different law regarding the removal of snow and ice for sidewalks. If you’re not sure of the laws in your area, call your local municipality office to find out.

Providing adequate lighting helps business owners reduce the risk of slip and fall accidents. Maintaining parking lots by filling and patching cracks and holes makes snow and ice removal easier and also decreases the risk of slip and fall injuries on your property.

slip and fall accidentsAs business or property owner, the best way to protect yourself and visitors against slip and fall accidents is to maintain walking areas by removing snow and ice as soon as possible after new accumulation.

If you have suffered from an injury due slip and fall accident, call the lawyers at Schuerman Law to learn how to get the justice and compensation you deserve. Call 1-800-274-0045 to schedule your free consultation today.