Stay Safe While Biking This Summer

Summer’s hot days and long evenings make it a great time for bicycling. Bicycling is a great physical activity and can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to remember some key safety information.

Wear Your Helmet

bicycle safetyAlways wear a helmet when bicycling to help prevent head injuries. Young children or those new to bicycling may also benefit from elbow and knee pads which are designed to prevent cuts and scrapes as they learn to balance the bicycle.

Be sure to purchase a helmet that fits your child properly, not one that they will “grow into.” The helmet should have a label stating that it meets the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s safety standards.

Wear the helmet so that it covers the forehead and is level on the top of the head. The fastened strap should fit with space for about two fingers to fit between the chin and strap. The helmet should be snug, but not too tight. Improve the fit with the sizing pads included with the helmet.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, wearing a helmet is the single best way to prevent head injuries resulting from a bicycle crash. Make it a habit to wear your helmet when cycling and ensure that your children do as well, no matter how short or rural your ride may be. Accidents can take place on sidewalks, bike paths, and driveways just as easily as they can on roads.

Safety Tips
*Avoid wearing long or loose clothing that may get caught in chains or spokes.

*Take your child with you when bike shopping to be sure that the child’s bike is the correct size. A bike that is too big for your child can be a real hazard, and a bike that is too small can be uncomfortable.

*Check the brakes, gears, tires, and reflectors before riding the bike.

*Ride with traffic on the right side of the road, staying as far to the right as possible. Use bike lanes where available.

*Make sure your children know and use appropriate hand signals while cycling and respect traffic signals.

*Wear bright clothing and use lights in the morning and evening to be sure that the bike and cyclist are visible. Consider clothing and accessories with reflective materials to help make the cyclist even more visible.

*Watch out for puddles, potholes, and other possible hazards on the road or path.

If you or someone you know has experienced a bicycling accident, contact the lawyers at Schuerman Law to learn what insurance coverage is available to you and your family. Schedule your free consultation today at 800-274-0045.

Thanks to the following sources: Safe Kids, AAP, NHTSA