Tips for Driving Safely in Winter Conditions

Winter weather conditions can be unpredictable. Here in Indiana, the weather can quickly shift to sleet, freezing rain, or snow. Slippery road conditions and poor visibility can make driving in the winter extra challenging, especially for newer drivers and older drivers. In this article, we’re sharing tips for driving safely this winter.

Get Your Vehicle Ready

As the temperatures drop, so does tire inflation pressure. Inspect your tires at least once a month and make sure they’re filled to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure. Check for damage and make sure the tread is at least 2/32 of an inch or more on all tires.

Have your battery, charging system, and belts checked for any needed repairs or replacements before it gets really cold. Inspect all lights, including turn signals and brake lights. Replace your windshield wipers and refill wiper fluid if necessary. Ensure that you have enough coolant.

Stock Up

Stock your vehicle with items you may need in an emergency. A snow shovel, ice scraper, broom, and material like sand or kitty litter can help if your vehicle gets stuck in the snow. Jumper cables, flares, a flashlight, blankets, water, food, and any necessary medication are all important to include in your car’s winter emergency kit.

Keep your gas tank close to full as much as possible, or regularly charge your electric vehicle. If you do find yourself stopped or stalled during the winter months, stay with your vehicle and don’t overexert yourself. Use flares, lights, and emergency markers to help others see you. Make sure your exhaust pipe is clear of snow and only run the car sporadically—just long enough to stay warm.

Slow Down!

It’s hard to stop or even control your vehicle if the road is slick or covered with snow. Slowing down and increasing your following distance allows you to have plenty of time to stop for other vehicles on the road.

If you’re driving near a snowplow, don’t get too close. Allow plenty of room and don’t drive beside the truck. They travel slowly, stop frequently, make wide turns, and exit the road often. If you need to pass a snowplow, use extra caution when doing so.

Slowing down and being prepared for quickly changing weather conditions can keep you and everyone else safe on the road this winter. If you don’t absolutely need to drive in bad weather, stay where you are.

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