Fireworks Safety Tips

P7020169Summer celebrations such as Independence Day often involve fireworks. But did you know that an average of 240 individuals are sent to the emergency room with injuries related to fireworks each July? If you choose to celebrate with your own fireworks rather than attending a show, there are several important safety considerations to keep in mind.

  • Do not allow kids to ignite or play with fireworks. Always provide adult supervision if fireworks are out for a celebration; even sparklers can burn at temperatures hot enough to melt some metals and cause serious injury.
  • Check local laws and ensure that fireworks are legal in your area before purchasing or lighting them.
  • If a firework doesn’t ignite fully, do not try to pick it up or re-light it.
  • Keep a hose or bucket of water nearby in case of fire.
  • Never try to create your own fireworks.
  • Point fireworks away from homes and other structures, and avoid brush and other easily flammable materials.

Fireworks are responsible for injuries and structural fires every year. Exercise caution when using fireworks and prevent disaster before it strikes. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a defective firework, Schuerman Law can help. Unsafe and defective products need to be removed from stores to prevent consumers from unnecessary injury. Get full compensation for your injuries with Schuerman Law on your side. John Schuerman is a compassionate advocate who will fight for your rights. Schuerman Law offers evening and weekend appointments as well as hospital visits. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 1-800-274-0045.