Pokemon Go Craze Leads to Injuries

IMG_1803You’ve probably heard of Pokemon Go, the mobile application that is breaking download records. Players try to catch creatures (known as “Pokemonsters”) in this augmented reality game, which gets people outside to play the game in the physical world. Sounds great, right? After all, people are moving more and checking out local landmarks.

Well, the Holocaust Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, and the 9/11 Memorial don’t think so. All three of these sacred spaces have asked players to avoid playing Pokemon Go in their vicinity because it is disrespectful. And while players are used to coming across dangers such as poison, spikes, and rocks in the game, many of them are failing to pay attention to real life hazards. Already there have been reports of a player walking off of a cliff and of a 15 year old girl being hit by a car while crossing traffic to try to catch a Pokemonster.

Safety Concerns

Although the game is not supposed to work when the player is moving over 30 miles per hour, concerns have been expressed about the dangers of being distracted by Pokemon Go while driving. Cities that have major public transit systems have given warnings to remind transit riders to avoid getting too close the tracks.

The potential of twisting your ankle while tracking down a Pokemonster seems like small beans compared to reports of robbers luring players to deserted locations. It’s also important to check your privacy settings, because the application may share you or your child’s location publicly.

Pokemon Positives

While the hazards related to the game are very real, so are the benefits. This new technology has made a big impact in a very short amount of time. Many restaurants and attractions are embracing the unexpected marketing opportunities the game has provided. In a country that struggles with obesity, a game that gets people moving in a fun and competitive way could help players get healthier. Several players have reported that the game has gotten them to explore their area.

If you or someone you care about is playing Pokemon Go, be careful and stay aware of your surroundings. Watch for hazards and turn off the application while driving. Since this technology is so new, it will be fascinating to see how it continues to impact the world.

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