What To Do When the Insurance Company Offers You a Check

insurance companyInsurance companies operate as businesses, which means that everything comes down to the bottom line. Companies will often make settlement offers after automobile accidents, slip and fall accidents, or other situations that involve a possible lawsuit in an attempt to settle out of court and save their company money.

Filing a lawsuit feels uncomfortable to many people, but ongoing medical expenses for chronic injuries and lost wages related to inability to work are much more painful in the long run. You deserve full compensation for your claim; don’t be a victim to insurance companies who hope that you’ll be juggling too much to give much thought to their offer before signing a release or accepting a check from them.

Signing a release or accepting a check could remove your rights to payment of future medical expenses or lost wages, something that the insurance company is well aware of. If you or a loved one is ever offered a settlement or asked to sign a release, do not take action without contacting an experienced personal injury attorney for advice.

The Schuerman Law office has been handling personal injury claims for more than 40 years and will fight for your rights. John Schuerman is a compassionate advocate for those who have been injured as well as their families. He fights for justice and full compensation for injury victims’ claims. Schuerman Law offers evening and weekend appointments as well as home and hospital visits. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 1-800-274-0045.