Drinking and Driving: It’s Not Worth It

Drinking and driving puts everyone at risk—the driver, vehicle passenger, and everyone else on the road. We’ve all heard horror stories of accidents that involved multiple fatalities that were triggered by drinking and driving. In fact, the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence estimates that 32% of fatal car accidents involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian and that alcohol-related accidents cost American taxpayers over $100 billion.

Alcohol affects attentiveness and reaction times, making it especially dangerous to get behind the wheel after too many drinks. Drinking and driving doesn’t just apply to cars and trucks; motor boats, all terrain vehicles, and jet-skis are all included in the motor vehicle category as well.

The United States has adopted .08% BAC, or blood alcohol concentration, as the legal limit for drivers over the age of 21 operating a motor vehicle in each state.

Alcohol affects drivers in several ways. At a BAC of 0.02, the individual will being to experience some loss of judgment and lowered visual functions. At a BAC of 0.05, a loss of visual perception, slower reaction times, and difficulty steering will begin. At a BAC of 0.08, or the legal limit, the individual will experience impaired perception, loss of speed control, poor muscle coordination, and impaired reasoning.

Driving while intoxicated means facing a hefty fine, a mandatory surcharge, higher insurance premiums, and possibly losing your license or going to jail. Considering all of the potential consequences of this action and how it could affect others as well as yourself in the event of a crash, it’s just not worth it.

If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident with a drunk driver, there’s no reason to settle for what the insurance company offers you. Contact the lawyers at Schuerman Law to learn what kind of coverage is available to you and your family. Schedule your free consultation today at 800-274-0045.

Thanks to the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence.