What’s Your Fire Escape Plan?

Fire Prevention Week is observed during the week of October 9th in remembrance of the Great Chicago Fire in 1871. The event killed more than 250 individuals, destroyed homes and structures, and burned over 2,000 acres of land.

The Great Chicago Fire serves as a reminder of just how destructive fire can be when it gets out of control. If you are in a building that catches on fire, seconds could mean the difference between escaping safely or suffering from severe injuries or a fatality. This Fire Prevention Week, the National Fire Protection Association is raising awareness about the importance of having a fire escape plan in place for everyone in your home and office.

Create Your Home Escape Plan

From the time your smoke alarm sounds, you may have as little as two minutes to make a safe escape. It’s important to plan ahead and practice your home escape plan with your family at least twice a year so that everyone knows what to do if there is a fire.

Start by drawing or mapping out your home’s layout. Then mark two exits from every room. This is typically a door and a window. Show a path from each exit to get outside of the house. Designate a meeting place outside of your home where everyone will gather after leaving the home during a fire.

Mark the location of the smoke alarms in your home on the map. You should have at least one smoke alarm on each level, as well as one in each bedroom. Make sure everyone in your family knows how to call 911 from a mobile phone or neighbor’s house when safely out of your home.

Special Circumstances

If you live with an older adult, hearing or mobility issues can present a challenge during a home fire. Infants and young toddlers will also need extra assistance. Being prepared can help you act quickly to make sure that everyone stays safe during a fire.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to a home fire, contact the experts at Schuerman Law today. Schuerman Law has been working with personal injury claims for over 40 years. John Schuerman will compassionately advocate for injured individuals as well as their families while fighting for full compensation of their claims. Schuerman Law offers evening and weekend appointments in addition to home and hospital visits. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 1-800-274-0045.