National Senior Independence Month: Resources for Aging in Place

February is National Senior Independence Month! Many older adults want to stay in their homes, also referred to as aging in place.

Getting to appointments, staying safe, and avoiding getting too isolated can be challenging. If you or your loved one wants to age in place, we’re sharing resources to help you do so.

Build Your Network

Reach out to family, friends, and neighbors. They might be able to help you get to doctor’s appointments and assist with errands or chores. Letting them know that you’d like to stay as independent as possible in your home might encourage them to interact with you more. Don’t be afraid to ask for and to offer help! You may be able to assist your network by lending a listening ear or helping with chores like meal preparation while they help you avoid mowing the lawn or cleaning the gutters.

While you’re at it, make sure your home is free of hazards that could cause you to slip and fall. Consider installing devices such as shower handles and toilet risers to help you care for yourself in comfort. If you have trouble hearing, install smoke detectors designed for your needs.

Lean on Community

Check out your local Area Agency on Aging as well as local and state offices on aging or social services to find out about resources that are available in your community. Your medical providers, social workers, or religious leaders may also have great suggestions for local resources. For example, some organizations have volunteers who regularly visit older adults.

You can also check out the Eldercare Locator, which helps connect older adults and their caregivers with local support.

Prepare for Emergencies

Talk to your doctor about whether a medical alert ID bracelet or necklace is right for you. An emergency medical alert system could also be a good option as it will alert emergency personnel if you get lost, fall, or need urgent medical attention.

Make sure you have supplies on hand for a power outage. Bottled water, a radio, shelf stable food, a small emergency kit, and a flashlight are good to have on hand, along with any medications you might need.

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